How to Have a Two Strike Approach at the Plate

Often, when players get to two strikes at the plate, they begin to get nervous. When a player keeps striking out, it is important to ask how the at bats have been, then specifically: how are you attacking the ball before you have two strikes. After making adjustments and working on hits that the player should be getting, focusing on the two strike approach is crucial to reliable and successful at bats.
Instead of being nervous when the count is at two strikes, the player must get tougher. The goal: make the pitcher work to get you out. Fouling pitches and fighting for your spot at the plate by doing whatever is necessary to make contact discourages the pitcher and shows them that you are there to play. By doing this, you can see all the pitches and potentially give yourself a better chance at a great hit.
Coach Steve raised competition between the 12U RedHawks to see who could have the longest at bat. By doing this, the atmosphere around 2 strikes changed for the better and the players put on really great fights and got some really good hits.
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