Make Your Impact!

“A good coach can change a game. A great coach can change a life.” John Wooden
At a recent coach’s convention at Zoned Sports Academy, we heard one of our presenters say “The best way to determine a successful season is to check how many kids signed back up to play the next year!” As youth baseball and softball coaches, it’s easy to lose sight of the reason why we’re volunteering our time in the first place. Too many coaches focus on the #’s, statistics and wins & losses. Our number 1 priority as youth coaches is develop young men and women; to teach them how to deal with adversity and how to be a member of a team.
Looking back at our own childhood… we never remember how well we performed, where we batted in the order or how many championships we won. What we do remember is how our coaches and teammates made us feel. We remember getting ice cream after the games and the end of year pool parties. Be the coach that your players remember for the good reasons!
Make your impact! Be a positive role model and find a way in influence each of your players in a positive way before the season ends!
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