Learn How to Correct Youth Pitchers Accuracy

Young pitchers on the mound struggle with accuracy and consistency. As baseball coaches, we see this in our younger players all the time. How can we improve pitching accuracy? Confidence, experience, and a hype man.
As young players throw strikes, they tend to continue to thrower harder with the same accuracy. But when they throw a ball, they tend to throw slower or just try to get it in the strike zone while forgetting about how hard they were throwing before. Ultimately, this is a confidence struggle with younger players. An important key to a successful throwing team is a catcher who motivates the pitcher and continues to give them a good target to throw at.
As a coach, it is helpful to build the pitcher-catcher relationship and to continue to motivate the pitcher while he is on the mound to try to quiet the voice of each individual part of the pitch in the pitcher's head. We need to try to prevent three different coaches' voices yelling specific technical parts of each pitch because that tends to overwhelm the young player. Instead, designate a coach to be the one who is locked in on the pitcher-catcher duo.
Get the proven blueprint for developing stand-out, consistent and healthy young pitchers who can churn out repeatable deliveries to home plate.