The Mental Approach to Hitting

The mental approach to hitting is just as important, if not more important than the physical and mechanical side of hitting. When things are going good at the plate, hitting is 0% mental. When things start to go bad, hitting is 100% mental. We as hitters need to have a short memory, and we need to be able to make adjustments on the fly. As a hitter, your at bat starts 4 hitters before you’re up. Lock in on the pitcher and find his tendencies. In the hole (3 hitters away), you need to stand in the dugout, with your helmet on, gloves on and visualize yourself at the plate. In the on deck circle, it is the time for you to get your timing down. You DO NOT want to get up and not be ready to hit a first pitch fastball because you’re not ready ON TIME! When you step in the box, you need to forget about everything but you and the pitcher. Lock in and attack the best pitch you see early in the count! Have your approach and stick to it!
Average hitters make adjustments game to game.
Good hitters make adjustments at bat to at bat.
Great hitters make adjustments pitch to pitch!
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