How to warm up pitchers properly for performance and arm health

Pitchers need to be hot when they get on the mound. This means that they are warm, loose, and have had pitches in the bullpen. What this looks like is different for every kid. Some players are coming off first base, others the outfield, some just starting the game. The process of getting warmed up can depend on player preference or age.
Coach Steve lets his pitchers know if he is planning on pitching them the next day. By doing this, they can spend extra time in the bullpen during the game if they aren't fielding. Even if they are not pitching the next inning, it helps to make sure they are able to throw all their pitches for about 10-15 pitches.
Also, have the pitchers throw to "simulated hitters" in the pen. Instead of just throwing balls to warm up, they can approach the mound with a game like mindset. The starting pitch is an 0-0 count and because they have 10-15 pitches they can pretend that they have three separate batters in the box. This works on throwing with a purpose and the catcher is also there calling the pitches.
To keep pitchers safe, it is important to keep track of how many balls they throw during pregame, the actual game, and in between games. Additionally, knowing when the last time they pitched can help coaches to make the best decisions for arm health. Knowing how the player likes to warm up, the situation, and putting purpose behind the bullpen keeps pitchers successful.
As a coach, having a game plan allows for the best decision making in regards to player positioning and possible pitching. If you know that a player is going to pitch the fourth inning, taking them out in the third inning so they can get warmed up is a good choice. This way, the players are not just "winging" it and they are already set up to have a successful time on the mound.
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